Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kristen's Amazing Race Birthday Party

 If they didn't make the basket they had to suck jello out of straws.
 Scooping gold fish out of the kids pool (the cats had a lovely time after everyone left).
Eating saltines, then chewing bubble gum and blowing a bubble.

 They could opt out of an event if they touched the electric fence.
 Singing the National Anthem on the high school rock.
 It was a three person birthday party, Barrett Manning, Kristen and Kalem Olsen. Their birthday's are within a day of each other.
A great crew!

1 comment:

  1. ha, so fun! It looks like everyone had a great time. I especially liked that if you didn't want to do the thing they had to touch the electric fence. Hilarious.
