Thursday, February 14, 2013

Costa Rica Post #1

This is our host family! They were absolutely wonderful. None of them spoke any English, so we learned lots of Spanish. Brian surprised us all and learned Spanish on the plane ride over. He was pretty much speaking fluently by the end of the trip. So was Charity. Except even the Costa Ricans didn't understand her Spanish.
 The mommy, Rosi, was a joy. She was really little and cute and animated. Lisa (a girl from Connecticut who was also staying with the family) would translate when we couldn't understand everything. On Thanksgiving day, we worked in the fields with Fabio (father) and Oscar (brother). It was interesting how they farmed. Everything was very laid-back and easy-going. They weren't in a hurry to get as much possible done, even though the produce was a majority of their living. That's something that we learned in Costa Rica. That sometimes it's more important to enjoy the work as you do it, rather than doing it as quickly as possible in order to have it finished. Interesting concept, huh?

Speaking of speaking Spanish-- funny experience the other day:

Often Hispanic people call our house by mistake. One time Brian picked up the phone and the lady started talking to him in Spanish.

Brian: Buenes Noches, como estas?
Lady: (Lots of Spanish really quickly)
Brian: Lo siento, yo hablo solomente un poco Espanol--
(click) She hung up on me. Darn it, I want to learn Spanish!
Kristen: You keep trying, Dad...

Charity has tried to keep what she learned fresh in her mind by other saying "Hola!" (O-law!) every time she enters a room with someone in it. So far, that's it.

Looking For a Source of Laughter?

My dear friend Becca recommended me to this blog: . Holy cow. It is absolutely the funniest thing ever! I am ranking this right up there with Brian Reagan. Which is saying something. Please read it and laugh. And then comment on this post and let me know what you think.